Tips for submitting a successful bid

If your bids are not getting accepted, here are some tips that can increase the likelihood of your bid being accepted by an Organization:

  • Submit bids that are below the Organization’s offered rate. If you have not yet completed many Shifts or have not worked with an Organization before, it may help to bid below their offered rate. Once you have been hired a time or two, you can always increase your future bids. 
  • Submit bids for all the Shifts you are available to work. This can significantly increase your chances of receiving an offer, as it shows your availability and willingness to work.
  • Make sure your profile is complete
    • Don't underestimate the power of a professional profile photo. A photo with a smile and a clean background can leave a positive impression on the Organizations reviewing your bids. So, put your best foot forward!
    • Update your professional summary section to include information about you, and what makes you a great worker.
    • Update the sections for Education, Work History, and any other applicable fields.
  • Keep in mind that your ratings are visible to Organizations reviewing your bid. When you accept an offer to a Shift, be sure to show up on time and work hard to avoid receiving low ratings

View the detailed Hourly Rate Bidding overview for more information.