Can the business see my phone number?

No, your contact information is not shared with the business.

If you need to contact an Organization as it relates to a Shift, you can safely connect with them through the app by using the in-app messaging and/or calling feature. GigSmart will connect you with the hiring Organization via a masked phone number for your privacy. The hiring Organization can contact you back through this number as well.

To contact an Organization or Requester if you've bid on or have been hired for a Shift:

  • Select the "My Gigs" tab at the bottom of the screen in your Get Gigs account
  • Find the Shift under the 'Hired' or 'Bid Submitted' tab and select the card
  • Select the 'Phone' button to call the Requester
  • Select the "Message" button to open the conversation with that Organization


To contact a Requester once you receive a Shift Offer:

  • Select the 'View' button on the Pending Offers row 
  • Find the Shift offer and click on the card
  • Select the "Message" button
  • Select the "Message" button to open the conversation with that Organization